Wednesday, January 2, 2013

California Coastin'

Happy New Year! It feels funny doesn't it? 2013? I'm not sure how long it will take for that to sink in.

I always have New Years resolutions, and I like to keep them pretty realistic. I would say "lose weight and eat better" but I don't really think of that as a New Years resolution because it's something that I'm constantly working at...that's more of a lifetime goal that I don't think I'll ever stop chipping away at.

This year my New Years resolutions are:

  1. Become a "morning workout person" - To be honest, I've already achieved this one. My hope was to just not fail, but I've been working out before I go to the office instead of after for the past two weeks and I've already decided that there will be no more going to the gym after work. It's before, or nothing.
  2. Drink more water on the weekends - I'm really good about drinking a lot of water. I drink two 24 oz bottles at work every day, plus more if I go to the gym. However...on the weekends I drink literally zero water and end up groggily arriving to the gym on Monday morning and wishing that I wasn't incredibly dehydrated.
  3. Eat better on weekends - Weekends are always the point where I fall off the wagon. I do great all week, I eat in a calorie deficit, I don't eat bad things, I don't eat when I'm not hungry. Then Saturday rolls around and I somehow find myself at McDonald's...
With the wedding just 10 months away, these 3 goals can only work in my favor. 

I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays, I know that I had a great time. It was really nice to get some time off of work to spend with the family and to work on the house. For Christmas, I gave my mom, sister, and best friend each a music box that had a frame on the top. The frame had a lame picture on the inside that said "sister" or something, but I bought those boxes because I wanted to draw a comic for each person to put into the frame instead. 

Here is the drawing I did for my mom, it's the only one that doesn't really involve an inside joke that none of you would understand. Basically, she and her husband did a bike trip a couple of years ago where they rode from the Canadian border down the coast of California and ended on the Mexican border. I drew this as a joke that they really didn't do any pedaling, and just had their cat hauling them the entire time. My mom is a knitter so she's knitting in the back and her husband is a very active architect who loves to be on his laptop and making phone calls.

Anyone have an interesting New Years resolution that doesn't involve money or weight loss?

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