Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Illustration Friday: Swamp

Remember being little and feeling swamped with homework?  A little part of me secretly thought it was fun, and I loved the feeling of accomplishment when I'd check another assignment off my  planner. I don't miss projects, papers, or presentations though. I definitely never take my free time for granted now that I'm completely done with school. I love that I go to work and come home and leave work at work. In college I always had these dark clouds of assignments and animation projects that hung over me all semester and brought me down.

Tried the first exercise of p90x with my sister yesterday. SO glad I decided not to bother getting into that. Not only is it expensive, but the first exercise is pretty much impossible. There isn't enough structure and there's too much room to cheat, it really is up to you to push yourself in order to get a good workout. I can't do that, not when all I have monitoring me during the time is my cat. This is why I'm a member of the gym and take classes, because in boot camp it's high intensity strength training with a little cardio, and unlike at home where I can skip out on pushups, at the gym my instructor is there ready to pick on anyone who gives up.

Well that was a rant. Can you believe it's only Wednesday? This week is crawling by..


  1. Great perspective and terrific illustration of homework angst. Did you really have a planner? My goodness!

    1. lol, thank you! and of course I had a planner ;) I've always been a big organization nerd.

  2. Great illustration! He looks just a tad bit overwhelmed!! And I vote for the bootcamp too! Can't get away with slacking - though I DO do a lot of complaining! ;)

    1. Haha, glad to meet another person who takes the class. It's my favorite :D and thanks!
